The Best Garlic Dill Pickle Recipe for Crisp and Flavorful Results!
In this world, there are two kinds of people, one who is in love with pickles and the other who takes all the pickles from the burgers and sandwiches and then devours them. We practically belong to the first category, from an early age I, myself have had a huge love for pickles and my sandwiches will always be incomplete without a few slices of homemade pickle. Now the Garlic Dill Pickle Recipe that I am going to share with you is actually something that has been passed on through our family, though it has got nothing quite different from most recipes, but our chefs have properly tested the recipe, and we can guarantee you that you are not going to end up with soggy pickles which is a huge problem for most home picklers. As we have already shared, the basic problem is about ending up with soggy pickles, but our refrigerator garlic Dill pickles recipe doesn’t end up being soggy and end up maintaining their crunch for a long time because of our certain tips that have passed on through ages. If you are looking for an easy Garlic Dill Pickle Recipe, then you have actually come to the right place. KEEP READING: Low Carb Pasta Recipes Garlic Dill Pickle Recipe One of the best facts about making your own people at home is that you can keep an eye on the amount of preservatives that are going into the making of those people, which you generally can’t in the case of canned pickles. Along with that the amount of joy that you get from making your own Garlic Dill Pickle from your own harvest is something quite different and you will only understand it once you try it yourself. Ingredients(For the soak): Ingredients(for the pickle) Steps 1. The first step is cleaning the cucumber, following that you will be cutting off the blossoms from the cucumber because it will help to make it stay crunchy for a long time. After that in a Big Bowl, you will be lining the cucumbers with ice between the layers, and finally pour in the mixture of cold ice water and pickling salt over the cucumbers. then you will cover the bowl with some heavy weights and transfer it to the fridge, let it rest there for about 12 hours. 2. Now, after the cucumbers have rested for 12 hours, you will take them out, drain the salty water, wash the cucumbers with cold water, and keep them aside. If you have a water bath canner, then it’s very good, or you can use two different-sized bowls, for water bathing the brine. Now you will be adding in all the ingredients for your brine and keep stirring for about 15 minutes, till the flavors have dissolved properly and the brine is all good to go. 3. The next step will be taking your jars, putting in the mustard seed, garlic, and dill leaves, in each jar, then layering your cucumbers (big ones at the bottom and the smaller ones at the top), then after straining your brine, you will add in the mixture in your lid jars, cover it and finally put it in the steam canner or water bath canner, for about 10-15 minutes. 4. It is all set to go remove from the heat(though it will be better if you let them stay in the Canner for about 15 more minutes) then remove it, and let it rest for about 12 to 24 hours. Finally, you may open the lid, check the inside whether it’s perfect for storing, and keep it for about 2 weeks for the perfect spicy Garlic Dill Pickle taste. In this recipe, you must make sure, that you are using grape leaves because they are a big reason behind keeping the pickles crunchy, along with that the proper quality of the cucumber should also be used(they must be properly ripened). Along with that, many times, we end up using only 4% vinegar, but you must make sure that you are using at least 5% for this recipe. This Garlic Dill Pickle recipe will give you the authentic spicy Garlic Dill Pickle taste that you are looking for, you can also refrigerate it, it will completely depend on your choices. So do try it at home and share your reviews with us. ALSO READ: Chicken Pesto Pasta Recipe for Every Occasion: 3 Best Step-by-step Dishes Jamaican Jerk Chicken Recipes