Beef Udon Noodles Recipe: 1 Of The Best Japanese Bowls
Want to have something from the Japanese Cuisine? Well, let us have a delicious and spicy steaming bowl of Beef Udon Noodles. How To Make Beef Udon Noodles: What Is Udon and Where Did It Come From? With the advent of anime and Japanese movies, we have come across multiple dishes that are a part of their culture. Before jumping right into the recipe, let us take a look at how Udon became a popular thing. ● According to several theories, Udon Noodles was brought over from China. In the Edo period, Kukai, a monk from Kagawa in Japan went to study Buddhism in China. He came back with the Noodles. ● Originally, the Udon noodles were close to the form of a dumpling. There are a lot of places in Japan who still serve udon by cutting it into square shapes. ● The traditional long strands of Udon signify long life. The red and white colours in them is a sign of celebration and success. In Kagawa, udon is a symbol for a successful rice planting season. ● Beef Udon Noodles, is widely popular in Japan as Niku Udon. It is basically a Japanese Udon Noodles with seasoned flavourful Beef pieces on top. ● In the modern days, udon is served in different forms like Udon Suki, Yaki Udon, Miso Nikomi Udon, Curry Udon and Kake Udon. It will not take more than 25 to 30 minutes for preparing this recipe at home. With the amount of ingredients we have here, you will easily be able to serve 2 people. In case you want to discard Awase Dashi, use 90 ml Mentsuyu, a cup of water and some Mirin in a saucepan. Boil and bring it to a simmer first. Then, cover it with a lid and after 3 minutes, you will get a concentrated udon broth for the Beef Udon Noodles Stir Fry. RELATED: How To Make Chinese Spareribs: 1 Easy And Best Recipe For Pork Lovers Ingredients: ● 650 ml Awase Dashi (Japanese soup stock) ● 4 tablespoons of White Sugar ● 2 tablespoons of Mirin ● 3 tablespoons of Dark Soy Sauce ● A pinch of Diamond Crystal Kosher Salt ● 4 sprigs of Mitshuba for topping the Beef Udon Noodles Stir Fry ● Tokyo Naga Negi (Japanese long green onion) ● 1 big Green Onion ● 4 slices of Narutomaki fish cakes ● 230 gm thinly sliced ribeye Beef ● 500 gm boiled Udon Noodles ● 1 tablespoon Vegetable Oil ● 1 packet Shichimi Togarashi (Japanese 7 spice) ● 80 ml concentrated Mentsuyu (optional) Best Beef Udon Noodles: A Step-by-step Guide To The Recipe Step – 1 Firstly, we will be boiling out Udon noodles. Take a large pot and fill it with water. Turn on the heat and keep it at a medium flame. Once it starts to boil, turn the heat down. Add 2 servings of noodles into the pan and cover it with a lid. Once they get tender, drain the water and transfer the noodles to a bowl. Step – 2 Next, you will have to take a saucepan and add 2.5 cups of slightly warm water to it. Open the packet of 600 ml Dashi and pour it over into the saucepan. Now, this will be the broth for your Beef Udon Noodles. Start mixing occasionally with a spoon and wait till the mixture comes to a boil. Step – 3 Let it simmer for 3 to 4 minutes. Afterwards, you will add 1 tablespoon Mirin, a pinch of Diamond Crystal Kosher Salt and 1 tablespoon Soy Sauce. Mix it well and after sometime, pour in 1.5 tablespoons White Sugar into it. Keep the pot covered to stop the liquid from evaporating. Once done, set this pan aside. Step – 4 Heat your frying pan on medium oil and saute the Tokyo Negi until it’s getting golden brown. Once it gets tender enough, add meat and start cooking. Stir occassionally and after some time, the Beef will lose it’s pink colour. It is time to add flavor to the Beef Udon Noodles recipe. Step – 5 Pour in 1 tablespoon Soy Sauce and 2 tablespoons of White Sugar. Slightly increase the heat and start to stir fry the Beef till it’s getting coated with the seasonings. Once your meat is ready, turn the heat off completely. Step – 6 Take a glass bowl and place the drained Udon noodles first. Then, slowly pour the broth from above so that the noodles are a bit submerged. However, be careful while placing the Beef Udon Noodles stir fry meat. Include the diagonally sliced Narutomaki, Mitshuba and Green Onions on top. Finally, sprinkle Shichimi Togarashi from above and enjoy your meal. Nutritional Values: ● Total Calories 580 KCal ● Carbohydrates 60 gm ● Proteins 32 gm ● Fat 23 gm ● Saturated Fat 9 gm ● Monounsaturated Fat 9 gm ● Polyunsaturated Fat 5 gm ● Cholesterol 72 gm ● Sugar 7 gm ● Fibers 4 gm ● Sodium 975 mg ● Potassium 353 mg READ MORE: Traditional Greek salad recipe- a detailed step-by-step guide! Creamy Cajun Chicken Pasta: 1 Cheesy Meaty Italian Bowl Of Happiness