
spicy ramen recipe
Vaishnavi Sah

Easy to make Spicy ramen recipes!

When it comes to Ramen, it is currently one of the most trending dishes that are available on the internet. If you have tried it once, of any kind it may be, you will know very well why it is one of the most comfortable foods, that people from all over the world are seeking right now. Thus we have listed below some spicy ramen recipe . However, when it comes to the history of Ramen, there is nothing properly accounted for regarding the origin of this particular dish. Some people consider the origin of Ramen from the La Mien dish, others believe in some other stories. But one thing that everyone will surely accept is that the instant Ramen Noodles was a complete revolution in the food industry and that was one of the main reasons that brought Ramen noodles into such prominence. However, when it comes to ramen, the most opted option for having ramen is by going outside to your favorite ramen shop which may be quite a tedious process in itself. But we have finally brought you some easy ramen recipes, which are not very complicated, don’t take a lot of time and at the same time, will be a worthy equivalent to your favorite ramen shop’s ramen. KEEP READING: The most authentic Thai beef salad recipe available online! Spicy Ramen recipe If you look into the traditional ways of making Ramen, it is quite a tedious process. If you are mainly concentrating on authentic tonkatsu ramen, we have to wait for an average time frame of 8-12 hours to completely finish a single bowl of ramen noodles, which is not a very viable way. Therefore, down here, we have brought you some easy recipes for spicy ramen noodles which can be made very easily within a very short period of time, and at the same time will also be an offer to fulfill your spicy Ramen cravings. A. Kimchi-flavoured chicken spicy ramen recipe Ingredients: – a whole white medium-sized onion (small diced) 7-8 cloves of garlic which also need to be finely chopped A small stick of Ginger green onions are needed for garnishing and adding extra flavor Cooked Ramen noodles will be preferred (You can get it from any instant ramen noodles) 1 kg of chicken drumstick 2-3 tbsp of any vegetable oil 4-5 cups of chicken stock 2 cups of cabbage kimchi chopped 3-4 tbsp of kimchi juice 2 big tbsp of store-bought Gochujang 2tbsp of soy sauce  2tsp of sesame oil Chicken eggs Steps 1. At first you will need a large saucepan with a thick base, put it on the soap and add your vegetable oil. Following that, after it is heated add your finely chopped white onion, ginger, and garlic, and cook it for about 5 to 7 minutes. Then add kimchi along with the kimchi juice, and following that add the raw chicken as well. Mix it a bit, following which the stock of chicken and soy sauce will go into the saucepan.  3. The final step is adding your gochujang paste to the broth and then letting it cook for about 1 hour. Following all of this, you will need to preheat the oven grill to high. Then you will take out the pieces of chicken, line it up on a baking tray, glaze it with a bit of sesame oil and salt, and then finally it goes inside the grill for about 10 minutes. 4. While all of this is happening, heat another saucepan, add in your eggs, boil them for about 6-7 minutes, and then directly take them out and shift to a bowl of cold water, for runny eggs. 5. It’s time to assemble, in a ramen bowl you will first add the noodles, and following that, scoop in some of the clear broth, with chunks of kimchi. Following that add your chicken, and cut open your runny eggs to add them on the top. You can also add some green onions on the top. B. One-pot spicy ramen recipe Ingredients: chicken or beef broth sliced peppers of any sort, Garlic and ginger (according to person’s taste) 3 tbsp of gochujang 2-3 tbsp Soya sauce  2 tbsp sesame oil 1 tsp sambal oelek Rice wine vinegar or any normal vinegar Instant Ramen noodles Shrimps (if available) boiled runny eggs Steps 1. In a big sauce man add your chicken broth, and bring it to a boil, after which you will also add your pepper Ginger, and garlic. You will let them simmer for a while. Into the mixture, you will be adding your gochujang, soy sauce, sesame oil, and also your sambal oelek. You may also end up adding your vinegar at this stage because the broth-making is nearly finished.  2. finally in the same pot of broth, you will be adding in your shrimp (sausages are also a good alternative) and ramen noodles, and cook it to al dante. The outcome is your one-pot ramen, which is absolutely worth a try for your midnight cravings.  4. Don’t forget to add your runny boiled eggs on the top, you can accompany it with various kinds of side components, such as shrimp crackers. Along with that also remember to add a touch of green onions on the top, because that will surely give you some texture and freshness among all those spices.  C. Instant spicy ramen recipe Ingredients: Any Ramen noodles of your choice. Chicken or beef broth Chili crisp oil Vegetables such as green onions, ginger and garlic Gochujang paste Stir-fried chicken or chicken cutlet or leftover any protein Runny boiled eggs Steps: None of the recipes that we have mentioned above can be concluded as a traditional Ramen noodle recipe, but we have given you alternative spicy ramen recipe that can be easily opted by you, with ingredients from your local supermarket, and also when you don’t have that much time to invest on a single meal. You can also add your own variations

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