Easy banana foster recipe- step-by-step guide!
Among all the deserts that are available out there, the banana foster recipe is somewhere very close to our hearts. Fresh Bananas, along with the caramel sauce and the chilled vanilla ice cream are everything that you need when you are having a rough day. Along with that for all banana fans out there, a single bite of this banana foster recipe is going to be equivalent to stepping into heaven. The best part about this particular banana foster recipe is the amount of simplicity along with the absolutely delicious flavors that come with it. However, something that we have noticed, whenever you put a bowl of banana foster in front of a guest or your own family members the first perception regarding the dish is that it is very elegant and complicated. However, if you have tried making this banana foster recipe once we can guarantee you you will end up nailing the entire procedure within a total of 15-20 minutes, which is not even half of your daily dinner-making time. KEEP READING: How to make the viral Olympic chocolate muffin? A detailed Olympic chocolate Muffin recipe! Banana Foster recipe The banana foster recipe is all about having the light ratios, getting the best ingredients, and following the sample steps that we have listed below meticulously. Along with that, you may be worried regarding the flambéing part of this particular dish, but we can assure you it is nothing quite difficult to do at home, and below the recipe you will find quite some tips that we have gathered from our own experience which you should keep in mind while flambéing the dish. Overall this banana foster recipe is easy to make along with the fact that the ingredients are absolutely easily sourceable from your local supermarket. Ingredients 1/4th cup of butter 2/3 cups of dark brown sugar Three-and-a-half tablespoons or rum 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of vanilla extract Half a teaspoon of grounded cinnamon 3-4 bananas 1/4th cup of roughly chopped walnut One pint point of vanilla ice cream Steps 1. The first step will be to make the caramel sauce which is the only important part, at first you will be taking of large deep skillet(make sure that the bottom of the skillet is quite thick). Then you will put it on your Stove and turn on the heat over medium, then finally you will add your butter. Melt the butter properly and make sure it hasn’t darkened or ended up burning because that will leave a very bad aftertaste in the sauce. 2. The second step will be to add your brown sugar to the butter, and make sure to keep the heat on low, don’t end up burning the mixture(you can also add one teaspoon of normal granulated sugar). Finally, you will add in the groundnut cinnamon along with the vanilla extract, and turn it into a sauce that is a bit thinner than your regular caramel sauce consistency. 3. The third step involves peeling the Bananas, and slicing them from the top to the bottom(make sure that they are not very thin slices). Finally, you will be adding those bananas into your sauce along with the chopped walnuts. 4. This step is very crucial, you can avoid it by directly adding the rum into the sauce mixture, but we will be doing a different procedure, take the mixture off the heat and then add in your rum. After that you will be using a long stick lighter and lighting up the rum on fire, you may not see a lot of flames, but make sure you are not stirring or swirling the mixture, wait for a minute and it will diminish itself. 5. Your banana foster recipe is already, scoop it into a plate and then top it with vanilla ice cream of your own choice and serve it to your guests, families and everyone around we can assure you it will be an instant hit. Key takeaways The first point that you will have to take care of is that flambéing is a tough method, and make sure you are very careful, don’t keep the pan on the heat, and if possible do it in a different place. Along with that make sure the fan or the kitchen ventilator is not on, and keep a lid or a fire extinguisher close to you if the situation runs out of control. Along with that make sure you are not wearing long sleeves or leaning towards the dish. Along with that also make sure that the rum you are using for this dish is quite of high quality because it will impart flavors into your dish. Along with that, you can also use rum which has added spices such as nutmeg and cinnamon. The bananas shouldn’t be mushy at all. Other than that this banana foster recipe has been properly tested by our group of chefs and is a huge hit. Don’t try it at home and let us know how you like it. ALSO READ: A Detailed Asian Chicken Cranberry Salad recipe! Step-by-step guide Hearty and Spicy Kimchi Jjigae Recipe! A step-by-step guide.